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Got a Few Questions?

Didn't find the answer to your question? See more questions or contact us in a way that is convenient for you.

In which regions of Canada do you provide house cleaning services?
A team of professional cleaners offers its prestige cleaning servicesonly in Mississauga
How do I order a cleaning service with WizardTouch?
Click the Order Today button on our website. Choose the date and time, and the plan of the cleaning. You can also call us to order house cleaning near me!
What kind of home cleaning services do you offer?
We offer you to choose from the following house cleaning plans: Regular Cleaning, Deep Cleaning, Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning, Post- Construction Cleaning, Green Cleaning, Emergency Cleaning
Can I change and adjust the house cleaning plan?
Yes, of course! Your needs come first! Create and choose the unique house cleaning plan that works best for you right now!
Do you choose eco-friendly detergents for every home cleaning?
Yes! We need to preserve your health, the health of your pets, and the environment. That's why we choose eco-friendly cleaning products for every home cleaning!
How do I pay for my house cleaning services?
By credit card or cash after cleaning. Choose the payment for house cleaning services that are convenient for you! You can choose safe payments for your home cleaning on our website!
Do I have to be at home when you clean my house in Mississauga?
No! But you need to give us the opportunity and permission to enter your home, instructions are required for this session house cleaning service.
How long does one session of house cleaning services take?
The time we spend cleaning your house depends on the size of the house and the type of house cleaning services you have chosen. We try to fulfill the orders as quickly as possible and qualitatively!
What will happen and what to do if I am not satisfied with your home cleaning services?
Please tell us immediately or within 24 hours what exactly you are dissatisfied with in the last session of Mississauga house cleaning services! We will solve the problem immediately because your satisfaction with our cleaning service is in the first place for us!
Do I need to buy cleaning products for home cleaning sessions or not?
We take all cleaning products and necessary equipment with us when we provide home cleaning services. You don't need to worry about it and you don't need to buy anything extra. Just order the home cleaning service you need!
Is it possible to order one-time house cleaning services in Mississauga?
Yes, of course! Do you need to clean something extra fast? Or have unexpected events happened at your home, and you really need a thorough cleaning session? Then order exactly this house cleaning service!
Do the employees of your Mississauga house cleaning service have experience? Have they been trained?
Yes! We recruit professionals with work experience to our team of house cleaning services. We also conduct training and special training all the time, and during cleaning service sessions in Mississauga, employees work according to special checklists developed by our company.
Do you offer standard cleaning plans in Mississauga?
We offer you once-a-week, once every two weeks, once-a-month regular plans for house cleaning Mississauga.
Is WizardTouch insured and bonded?
Yes, WizardTouch house cleaning services in Mississauga are insured and bonded! We appreciate your peace of mind and trust in us!
Can I cancel or reschedule my house cleaning services session reservation in Mississauga?
Yes, of course! You can cancel or reschedule the cleaning session no later than 48 hours in advance! It's easy and very quick to do!
Do not forget to inform us!
Do you provide home cleaning services in Mississauga on weekends?
Yes! We are open 7 days a week, including weekends, and provide all types of our Mississauga cleaning services!
How long or how many days in advance should I order a house cleaning service?
Book your desired house cleaning session at least 2 days in advance! So it will be easier for you to find free time with our cleaners on the date you need.
What happens if I have scheduled home cleaning on a public holiday?
We will agree on a new date and time that will be convenient for you and the professional cleaners of our company.
Are there additional fees or any other payments I should be aware of when ordering home cleaning in WizardTouch?
Our prices for each type of home cleaning service are transparent, and there are no hidden fees or charges! The price you see when booking is the full price you pay for the selected cleaning service in Mississauga.
What house cleaning services are NOT offered by WizardTouch?
Our company provides a wide range of house cleaning in Mississauga. But there are several cleaning services that we do not provide. It cleans the chandelier, removing biological hazards (mold, biological fluids), exterior window and patio cleaning, pest removal, and full wall washing.
Are WizardTouch cleaning products safe for pets?
Yes, we choose safe cleaning products for people and animals. But they cannot be drunk or eaten by animals. That is why the best option is for you to take care of your pets on cleaning day.
Can I give instructions and requests to WizardTouch professional cleaners?
When you order a house cleaning service online, you can immediately indicate all specific instructions, requests, and wishes to professional cleaners. Please specify everything you need online!
What is the Great Clean Guarantee?
We conscientiously and very carefully clean every corner of your house and clean every detail. We believe that you will be happy and 100% satisfied after seeing the results of our house cleaning service! If you are not satisfied with the cleanliness, request a free repeat cleaning! It is important for us that you like absolutely all our work!
Cancellations And Refunds of house cleaning services.
If you cancel before 48 hours, you will receive a full refund according to the payment information on file. Within 48 hours, your reservation is credited to your account for future use. If you cancel within 24 hours, the full fee is non-refundable for house cleaning services.
How do I pay for my house cleaning services?

By credit card or cash after cleaning. Choose the payment for house cleaning services that are convenient for you! You can choose safe payments for your home cleaning on our website!

Cancellations And Refunds of house cleaning services

If you cancel before 48 hours, you will receive a full refund according to the payment information on file. Within 48 hours, your reservation is credited to your account for future use. If you cancel within 24 hours, the full fee is non-refundable for house cleaning services.

Serving Mississauga:

Our top-notch home cleaning services are exclusively available in Mississauga.

Perfect for when you need a single, thorough cleaning

Enjoy a 20% discount on regular weekly cleanings

Opt for monthly cleanings and receive a 15% discount

Opt for monthly cleanings and receive a 5% discount

New Customers?
Get $30 OFF your
First Clean
Serving Mississauga:

Our top-notch home cleaning services are exclusively available in Mississauga.

Perfect for when you need a single, thorough cleaning

Enjoy a 20% discount on regular weekly cleanings

Opt for monthly cleanings and receive a 15% discount

Opt for monthly cleanings and receive a 5% discount

New Customers?
Get $30 OFF your
First Clean
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